The games
Numbershark features over 50 games designed to give meaning to numbers and number operations.
The activities have been developed to…
- aid the teaching of concepts, provide the necessary practice, and promote both understanding and the memorising of number facts as well as the use of standard written methods
- offer practice in different aspects of place value, ordering, grouping, commutativity, exchange and links between operations
- give you over 2,000 graded, worded problems to help put numbers into context, including maths vocabulary
- address Mental Maths and strategies
- offer variable speeds, as well as other options to meet all levels of skill
Simply click on the ‘recommended’ games tab to see the suggested (most well-matched), games for your chosen topic.
Reward games
To provide extra incentive to learn with Numbershark, after each game the student is offered one of the short ‘reward’ games.