Accessing Wordshark and Numbershark (for Non-UK Schools, Tutors, Parents)
Schools (non-UK)
Question: How can my students access Wordshark/Numbershark from home? Click here to find out about plans and prices for overseas schools. (Note:Numbershark is not/will not be going online)

Question: Are there any other options for my students? Any parent can still order the Home Download offline licences which are emailed within 15 minutes of purchase.
Tutors (non-UK)
Question: How can I use Wordshark/Numbershark with my students now that I cannot teach them in person? Wordshark Online is perfect for this, as a ‘Tutor’ account. Please click here to visit the tutor page. Unfortunately, we don’t have the equivalent for Numbershark.
Parents (non-UK)
Question: I am looking for a spelling/maths resource to use at home. I have a computer. What are my options? Parents can invest in the Home Download offline licences Licences are automatically emailed within 15 minutes of purchase. They offer an excellent investment, (not just for the months ahead when children are out of school).
Can I return the downloads if they’re not right for my child/children? We offer a full money-back guarantee within 14 days of purchase – no questions asked! You would just need to ‘deactivate’ (uninstall) the program/s.
Question: I only have a small device eg iPad/Chromebook. Will these downloads work? Unfortunately not. You would need to invest in a computer that comes with a full Windows 10 or OSX operating system.
Contact us if we haven’t answered your questions:
- 020 8748 5927