Wordshark has unique depth and quality.

It is a highly adaptable, extensive and trusted resource drawing on 25 years’ experience in meeting the wide-ranging learning needs of students.

It can help any student learn spellings and improve reading skills, not just pupils with SEND and EAL.


“Wordshark is a fantastic resource… The GCSE vocabulary is very useful extending the use of the programme beyond ‘spelling’ as pupils become familiar with key terminology.”  Katherine Davis, SENCO, Leweston School

Jump to Trial/Demos, Plans/Prices:

UK Schools Overseas Schools Tutors/Parents

  Over 30 carefully designed games

There are games for; single letters, phonics, syllables and whole words

There are 7 categories; Blend, Segment, Read, Spell, Patterns, Sentences, Alphabet

The games develop a variety of reading & spelling skills and offer rote practice too

 Baseline test places your students at the right starting point

The ‘Shark Challenge’ spelling test accurately places students into a Automatic Progression mode called ‘Supershark’.

  Explore 4 ways to use Wordshark, use any combination

Automatic Progression (‘Wordshark’ course)

Set Work (own lists)

Set Work (choose from 6 course word bank)

Free Play (access to everything)

Info graphic showing the student journey and the different ways you can use Wordshark starting with teacher challenges through to looking at progress and reports.

Extensive Word Bank & customisable lists – options are endlessDropdown showing the 6 Courses in Wordshark's word bank.

  • 10,000 words, sentences, images

  • 6 Courses to choose from – see image right

  • Create your own lists with images; record words, or definitions!


Seeing progress & checking time spent

  • Choose data on Individual students, or groups

  • Select Set Work or Automatic Progression reports

  • ‘Total game play’ time and ‘leaderboard’ give an overview of most active students

Want to know more?…

Placement test

Students take the placement test Shark Challenge when they first log in. It can be re-taken or skipped.

Setting Work 

For a more targeted approach you can Set Work. Choose from the 6 courses available or create your own lists.

Automatic Progression 

Students are placed in ‘Supershark based on content from the ‘Wordshark’ course.

Reports & Progress

Students see a weekly progress pop-up report. Teachers can view reports for Supershark or for Set Work.

Log in at school/home

Access the program from anywhere, on computers, Chromebooks or iPads. Consider allowing Free Play‘!

Click below for prices, free trial, demos…

   UK Schools         Overseas Schools     Tutors/Parents

What teachers say…

Wordshark has been very successful with the Year 8 and Year 9 students I am working with. There are a variety of motivating games which can be played to practise both…  Read this and other testimonials 

10,000 words & sentences

Courses include National Curriculum spellings, Alpha to Omega, High frequency words, and Everyday vocabulary for students new to English.  Word lists are presented in a format to support your spelling lessons. Your own lists can also be added.

Dyslexia, SEND, EAL

Even reluctant students are motivated by Wordshark! Multi-sensory, carefully thought-through games and structured word lists make the program ideal for SEND. The courses and games are perfect for students learning English as an additional language.

Age & gender neutral

The choice of activities, concepts and words make Wordshark suitable for ages 5-16, from early introduction to phonics right through to spelling support in secondary school, filling gaps in knowledge or for learning specialist vocabulary.

The games

Each motivating game has a sound educational purpose helping to develop a variety of reading and spelling skills – not just rote practice. There are also games for synthetic phonics.

Adaptable & Versatile

Wordshark is hugely versatile, easily adjusted to the needs of each student. Choose from AP, Set Work, Free Play and Own lists. Students can, for example, re-take the placement test or be re-placed in AP. Make changes within games and more!

Measuring Impact

Wordshark records student activity to show time played, performance and any errors. 10-15 minutes every day playing the ‘Supershark’ course games ensures success!

Why it works

No student is the same or learns in the same way, so Wordshark adapts to each of their needs, providing a wide choice of words, games, and options. Each game has a task which is to teach or reinforce a specific reading or spelling skill – success with Wordshark is all about the combined effect of these different games. Students also enjoy the reward activities, gaining confidence through independent learning.
  • Every game builds a different skill in reading and spelling
  • Options, settings and more make the program highly adaptable
  • Students can work independently, at their own level
  • Wordshark offers rote practice, in addition to introducing necessary skills




Looking for a Single User Licence? Wordshark v5 (offline) is available to purchase as a Computer Download or USB licence…

  • Licences are still available for this offline version in USB or download formats.
  • Suitable if you have no/very limited internet connection or your institution does not allow access to the internet.
  • Version 5 needs Windows 10 or Mac OSX – click here to check system requirements 
Want to read more about Wordshark 5?