Setting work
Setting work is easy, totally flexible to your teaching needs, and puts you in the driving seat!
You can choose from any of the published courses/lists (see image below), or you can create your own instead.

I’m ready to set some work for my students!
When setting work, you need to select…
- The group/several groups
- A student/lots of students!
- The course, for example ‘High Frequency Words’
- The unit of work, for example, Year 1 -ar ee ea er ir ur
- A word list in that unit, or more than one list
Creating your own lists
You may want to cover specific key words, topic vocabulary, as part of a project etc. The options are endless!
For more independent learners you can give them free access to any of the courses.

Ready to set work for your students?
If you have Wordshark Online, click here for full instructions on setting work.