Word Bank
There are around 10,000 words, sentences and images in Wordshark, grouped into courses/word lists.
You can choose to add your own lists too.
Excerpt of the ‘Wordshark’ course summary:
[Same course as used by ‘Supershark’]
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Excerpt from the Nat.Curriculum 2014 England: spellings course summary:
[Follows the English Government’s spellings for KS1 and KS2]
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Excerpt from the ‘Alpha to Omega’ course summary:
[Follows the progression found in the book ‘Alpha to Omega’ by Bevé Hornsby and Frula Shear]
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Excerpt from the ‘Everyday vocabulary’ course:
[Covers everyday topics that students might need if new to English. It is arranged alphabetically under subject titles such as ‘clothing’, ‘food’ etc]
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Excerpt from the ‘High Frequency Words’ (HFW) course :
[Words that are needed most frequently for reading and for writing]
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Excerpt from Secondary school subject lists
[Covers 7 subjects; Maths, English, the 3 Sciences, D & T, Geography, Music and Citizenship (with more to follow).]
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Create your own word lists!
This option allows you to be fully creative with what you teach.
Build as many lists as you like, and ask your students to work on these – via Set Work.
You can also add definitions and translations to support vocabulary development and EAL.